4. How to Deploy

In short, you need to setup following tools and services:

Because genomics workspace is a standard Django website, there is no large difference to deploy genomics workspace. We recommed to deploy genomics workspace through Apache and mod_wsgi.

You may want take a look the great documentation of Django project on deploying as well.

4.1. Apache HTTP server and mod_wsgi

See the document of Django. You can also see the example settings file of Apache and mod_wsgi in our github repo.

4.2. RabbitMQ

Use the rabbitmq-server command.

4.3. Celery and celerybeat

Here are example setup steps for linux,

  1. Copy files:

    # when using CentOS 7.*
    # copy celeryd.sysconfig and celerybeat.sysconfig to /etc/default instead.
    sudo cp celeryd /etc/init.d
    sudo cp celerybeat /etc/init.d
    sudo cp celeryd.sysconfig /etc/sysconfig/celeryd
    sudo cp celerybeat.sysconfig /etc/sysconfig/celerybeat
  2. edit ‘/etc/sysconfig/celeryd’:

    CELERYD_MULTI="<git-home>/py2.7/bin/celery multi"
  3. edit ‘/etc/sysconfig/celerybeat’ as follows:

  4. set as daemon:

    sudo chkconfig celeryd on
    sudo chkconfig celerybeat on

For more details or setup on Mac, check the document of Celery. Example files mentioned above are also (celery*) in our github repo.