2.2. Setup Guide (MacOS)

This setup guide is tested in MacOS Sierra (10.12) and MacOS High Sierra (10.13), but it should also work on all recent MacOS versions.

Note: The following variables may be used in path names; substitute as appropriate:

<user>      :  the name of the user doing a set up.
<user-home> :  the user's home directory, e.g., /home/<user>
<git-home>  :  the directory containing the genomics-workspace, and `.git/` folder for `git` will be there.

2.2.1. Project Applications

Clone or refresh the genomics-workspace:

git clone https://github.com/NAL-i5K/genomics-workspace

# Or if the  repository exists:
cd <git-home>
git fetch

2.2.2. Homebrew

We recommend to use Homebrew as package manager. Installation steps can be found at https://brew.sh/.

2.2.3. Python

Install virtualenv:

pip install virtualenv

Build a separate virtualenv:

# Make root dir for virtualenv and cd into it:
cd genomics-workspace

# Create a virtual environment called py2.7 and activate:
virtualenv -p python2.7 py2.7
source py2.7/bin/activate

2.2.4. RabbitMQ

Install and run RabbitMQ Server:

brew install rabbitmq
# Make sure /usr/local/sbin is in your $PATH

2.2.5. Memcached

Install and activate memcached:

brew install memcached

2.2.6. Database

Install PostgreSQL:

brew install postgres
psql postgres

# At the prompt 'postgres=#' enter:
create database django;
create user django;
grant all on database django to django;

# Connect to django database:
\c django

# Create extension hstore:
create extension hstore;

# Exit psql and postgres user:

2.2.7. Python Modules and Packages

Install additional Python packages:

cd <git-home>
pip install -r requirements.txt

2.2.8. Chrome Driver

2.2.9. Celery

Configure celery:

# Run celery manually
celery -A i5k worker --loglevel=info --concurrency=3
# Run celery beat maually as well
celery -A i5k beat --loglevel=info

2.2.10. Migrate Schema to to PostgreSQL

Run migrate:

cd <git-home>
python manage.py migrate

2.2.11. Install Binary Files and Front-end Scripts

This step will instll binary files (for BLAST, HMMER and Clustal) and front-end scripts (.js, .css files):

npm run build

2.2.12. Start development server

To run developement server:

cd <git-home>
python manage.py runserver